Complete IH V-8 gasket kit. Premium materials. Includes EVERY gasket and seal on the engine.
- 4x oil pump mounting
- 1x oil pan drain plug
- 3x o-rings
- 1x timing cover set
- 1x oil pan drain
- 2x exhaust manifold
- 1x valley pan or push rod cover
- 2x head gaskets
- 2x intake gaskets (304 and 345,392)
- 4x water tube o-rings
- 1x rear main seal
- 1x camshaft rear cover
- 1x oil filter housing
- 1x camshaft bearing cover
- 3x fuel pump
- 1x oil Pan
- 2x valve cover
- 12x cyl head stud washers
- 16x valve stem seals
- 2x rear main bearing seals
- 1x waterpump housing to block
- 2x water outlets
- 1x distributor
- 1x front main seal
- 40+ hours of fun!